Galapagos Cruise or Tour ?

Galapagos cruise or tour ?

If you have a clear idea .. you may also avoid going on, and now choose your cruise or your tour!

But in most cases the initial idea that you probably have, will go a nomination weighted and maybe reconsidered: what really interests and what the inconvenience or difficulties that we encounter? It 'important to have very clear what differentiates a Galapagos cruise a Galapagos tour, the attitude that demands and satisfactions that gives one or the other solution, so the Galapagos Islands and the traveler will meet better ...

Galapagos Cruise or Tour  Guide service

With a cruise or a tour you will not see exactly the same places of the Galapagos Islands

landscape from the Galapagos are essentially two main ways to explore the Galapagos Islands:
one is a journey of several days by boat (of different types) and the other is planning more nights in hotels with displacements and excursions on different islands. The fact that by one or the other you will see some places better than others is not generally a big problem for most travelers, who have especially the desire to discover these islands, relaxing, enjoying the extreme peculiarity and sense estrangement from ordinary everyday life European. But it can certainly be for those who have acquired a certain interest or a particular curiosity, forming perhaps with many readings from the stories of friends or a picture that, if not confirmed, can lead to disappointing (what we want at all costs avoid!). Therefore below we briefly describe the peculiarities of the two basic modes available to visit the Galapagos Islands, hoping to clear up enough ideas and make you more aware of when evaluating and choosing (hopefully with us, if you want to contact us for an offer) effective solution.

Galapagos Cruise: live (and suffer) the Sea

Boat cruises to the general GalapagosIn choosing any of the types of cruise Galapagos (sailing-motor yacht, catamaran, ship, in turn, economic, tourist or luxury as well as find more fully described in the specific page connected) you have the opportunity to see the places of interest scattered in areas not connected to residential areas of the islands. Mostly every place will have more sites to visit with landing (wet or dry) in the group of the occupants of the ship accompanied by a nature guide. The bulk of navigation will take place at night, and then in the morning and the afternoon will be carried repositioning more limited. It goes without saying then that, given the opportunity to visit the most remote and secluded (as it will depend on the specifics of an itinerary and season high or low), perhaps by establishing an atmosphere of "sea adventurers", there are some drawbacks be taken into account: 

1. seasickness, higher in some seasons, inversely proportional to the size of the ship and linked to its dynamic characteristics (the catamaran is the most stable choice, the small motor boat sailing it is not); 

2. life on board, separated from the local social context, which can be either dull or otherwise stimulating employees intimacy and complicity of the occupants in a given space (and that is already at six o'clock at night) 

3. some discomfort , always around the corner, due to the limited places available on each boat and the high demand in some periods: cabins noisy, inadequate space and windows, vibrations and scents that can worsen nausea.

In short, the success depends very much on the budget and the right advice that mitigate the effects of bad luck ... First contact and deepen, to make you a more concrete idea, however you can already see examples of our Galapagos cruise less than a week or examples Galapagos cruise of a week or more.

Galapagos Tour: hotel and excursions (Itinerant)

beach to relax at Galapagos Diverseness that the cruise, a tour Galapagos (often also called "hopping" when it expects stays on different islands or combined if it provides excursions from a single island) integrates and leans more to the size of the urbanized centers and its inhabitants, based on public infrastructure and on small tourist activities of their territory (such as restaurants). This on one hand "contanima" the most intense experience with nature enriches it with the other elements of social life and freedom. There will also be more comfortable in the hotel (you can choose different categories of hotel), more heterogeneous group visits and evening entertainment in fact more open to improvisation. If you decide to stay on several islands, the contexts vary and the encounter with the most beautiful nature will be guaranteed by both boat trips (and terrestrial ones, notable in the islands largest, most refined and deepened by boat) and from journeys displacement (not the longest of the two / three hours per day). Factors to be taken into account therefore: 1. the move (for hopping on more islands), who plan to do and undo the bags several times when changing hotel 2. guides and groups (often wider than some small boats) which may vary 3. the narrower range of the places visited.

There will be very useful to look at the examples of the Galapagos tour 5 days or examples Galapagos tour 8 days maybe comparing them with tour boat of the same duration. Then of course you can contact us to find the Galapagos tour that most suits you, or consider a cruise Galapagos

Cruise and Tours Galapagos, two different perspectives in order to live the same dream

Certainly not fail to experience , is a Galapagos Cruise Galapagos Tour that will bestow close encounters with creatures that inhabit the many corners of this world of land suspended between sky and sea . And ' the Nature dominating and must dominate ! Ascend from the sea accompanied plans ecological landscapes to them own : from the bottom of the cliffs and beaches, volcanoes and lava flows to the mountains , passing from cultivated land and shaped by human life . Caves , tunnels and canyons in an up and down of emotions sunny or misty dictated by contrasting colors or muted . What will change , perhaps , it is how to share , of being in a group and spend time between yourself , the world and human nature .. you want to translate the imaginary trip !

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